Feeding Your Lehigh Valley Lawn

The most important thing you can do for your lawn is to feed it. Remeber your lawn is alive and  healthier when you feed it, and your lawn’s root system will become stronger to combat all temperatures of the weather including; heat, cold, drought, mowing, foot traffic and other stresses. Romig’s Lawn Care and Landscaping reccomends feeding it four times a year, this will make it even stronger. Contact us and we can put your lawn on the regular feeding schedule that will keep it healthy, and green.

We recommend the following times to have a successful and healthy lawn

  • Early Spring (February – April)
  • Late Spring (April – June)
  • Summer (June – August)
  • Fall (September – November)

Contact Romig’s Lawn Care and Landscaping today and we will put you on the path to a greener and healthier Lehigh Valley Lawn.